Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Omg!A Butterfly!

You know what I really don't like? Taking out the trash and checking the mail in the winter. It's soooo cold! Plus, my driveway is kinda longish so it's not fun in the winter. I do like it in the Summer. Because then it's all warm and you can hear the birds and little animals in the forest. It's really pleasant in the summer.

As always, I have tons of writing to do. I've got a few papers for school and I volunteered to write a chapter for Trapped. (teheheh like how I discretely added a little plug for that story in there?)

I like fruit. It's yummy.



  1. so when I trudge out to the mailbox in the winter on that loooong driveway I think of the pioneers who had to go outside and gather up twigs and branches to keep the fire going

  2. Yeah yeah yeah, whatever :-P
    Point is, I'm not a pioneer and I don't like going up the loooong driveway in the winter.
