Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Has there ever been a blogger that disliked blogging as much as I do?

I don't really make sense.

I think my main thing is blogging seems so impersonal and one sided. I don't have anything to build off of from other people.

I think if everyone were to start giving me suggestions for things I could try/post about I'd find this more enjoyable.

If you could all do so it would be greatly appreciated.

With that, I leave you with a song:


  1. Ooh, I know what you mean, it's really depressing when people don't comment...(this is Sara by the way, right? :P)
    Judging from your labels, you've a bunch of music-related posts? You can review a band or song or album or something...and if you tell me when you post stuff, I'll comment >.< Especially if you comment on my stuffs? <3

  2. Hahah, I'm suuuupeeeeer behind on your blog. :3 >.<
